Calgary Wedding Photographer San Francisco Surf
While I love doing wedding photography in Calgary, I recently took a trip to San Francisco with my fiance. Here I explored a little bit of the surf culture in San Francisco, by the Golden Gate Bridge.
This was amazing. It completely blew my mind that these people would get into the absolutely freezing water that was quite literally smashing against the rocks to catch a thrill. My favorite photo in this set is the first one. I don’t know who this gentleman is, but I love the way he looks so stoic, gazing off into the distance, wondering about how his surf is going to go. Inspecting the weather, the waves.
This was definitely one of the highlights of my vacation. I can’t wait to visit San Francisco again!
I hope you enjoy this set as much as I do!
Nicole Sarah
Need more inspiration? Check out this Muir Woods blog
or this post on the San Francisco Marina!